DIY High-Protein Box
January 11, 2022 136 view(s)
DIY High-Protein Box
Starbuck's has the most amazing protein boxes for on-the-go--we thought, "We must try this at home!" This DIY High Protein Snack Box is perfect for days where you need a boost of energy, or for right after a hard work out. This recipe is perfect for meal prep and hails four servings.
Prep time: 8 minutes to boil the eggs, and 5 minutes to assemble the boxes.
Servings: 4 boxes 


1 can organic Garbanzo beans
1/2 cup cilantro or parsley, or your favorite shredded lettuce
a drizzle of Annie's Goddess Dressing or Lemon & Chive Vinaigrette
4 hard boiled eggs
a dash of Simply Organic All-Purpose Seasoning
a pinch of salt (optional)
4 carrots, peeled and sliced
1 cup hummus


1. Assemble your 4 boxes on the counter. In a separate bowl, combine garbanzo beans with shredded greens, and a drizzle of dressing. Toss, and divide the salad among the 4 boxes.
2. Peel hard boiled eggs and slice in two. Add two halves to each snack box, and season.
3. Add carrot slices and divide evenly among the boxes. Divide hummus among the boxes for dipping!
4. Seal the boxes and enjoy throughout the week!
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