My Fruitful Story | Empowered Mom
May 9, 2019 249 view(s)
My Fruitful Story | Empowered Mom

Today we welcome a post from one of our Fruitful Yield team members, an active mom who serves as a role model for us all. We wanted to know what empowers her as a woman, wife, and mom, so we asked! We hope her story inspires you as much as it inspired us.

Empowered... as a Woman

I believe in taking care of oneself, and as a mother, we all know our own health is something that can easily get placed last, or even forgotten entirely.  We have so many other people to take care of! My own self-care regimen includes diet, supplements, and exercise:

  • I have been a vegan for well over 15 years (previously a vegetarian). I always say becoming a vegan was the 2nd best decision I ever made (I’ll get to the best decision later). Being vegan is a lifestyle, and goes way beyond the foods I put into my body.  I don’t eat animals.  For me, and what I believe in, that works best for me.  I also eat a primarily organic, gluten-free, and low-sugar diet.
  • I love my supplements. For someone like myself, who doesn’t require a lot of calories per day, my supplements help me cover all my bases.  My top picks are Algae Oil, Chlorella, Vitamin C, and Biosil.  If you haven’t visited your local health food store recently, make a point to do so!
  • There was a point where I did not enjoy exercise.  I got through it, but it was not fun and my results were mediocre.  Now my goals are to have fun and challenge myself with every workout-- whatever level is needed that day to be a challenge.  My workouts are “my time,” and they need to be prioritized in order to happen.  So many things can creep in and push “my time” out!  My workouts go on my schedule just like a dentist appointment or my work schedule.  That helps me to keep detours from my fitness plans at bay.
[caption id="attachment_3107" align="aligncenter" width="300"]Row of moms working out with exercise balls next to their children in strollers Photo courtesy of Fit4Mom® Greater Northwest Chicago Suburban Chapter[/caption]

As a Mother

I always consider my children to be my legacy.  They are amazing.  I love them deeply every single day, and I tell them so.  I show them love the way they need to be loved.  I make loving them a priority and focus for myself.  This is something I do for them, not necessarily for myself, but it has been rewarding in a way I cannot quite put into words.

Recently, I have been honored by being asked to carry a child for another couple.  This is not my child, but their child (their embryo).  As a gestational carrier, this has provided many adventures and challenges.  This experience sure takes being healthy, and being a mother, to new levels!  My husband and I feel so blessed to have this unique opportunity to bless another couple, and help someone else become a mother.

Mother reading book in comfy chair with son and daughter with sunny window in background

As a Wife

I choose a lifelong commitment to my husband.  Through the grace of God, there is nothing that can separate me from that commitment.  As a human, I can sway like the wind and have stages of unpredictable emotions; but my commitment to my husband is just that-- we are committed to love each other, no matter what.  It is a very comforting feeling.

As a Person

Above all else, the best decision I ever made:  To take the step of faith and decide to live my life for the One True God.  It is through His grace that I have been saved, and the only reason I still live and breathe.  Rescued, I tell you! I can do many things, but only through Him.

What empowers me?  It all comes back to love.  Choosing to love the people around me, everyone around me.  Love conquers all.  It changed my life, and it will change the lives of others.

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May 9, 2019
Thank you for honestly sharing and boldly giving credit to God. I agree with you on all points. Though I’m not vegan I do understand it as a lifestyle. Maybe someday for me...
Fruitful Yield
May 9, 2019
Thank-you so much for your kind words, Laura! Your encouragement is greatly appreciated. :)