baby bottle of goat milk formula placed on a counter top with a wooden baby toy and baby blankets
June 7, 2022 1710 view(s)
3-Ingredient Goat Milk Formula Recipe
Today we're sharing a nutrient dense goat milk formula recipe for babies 12 months or older. This recipe is shared by our friend, long-time customer, and lifestyle influencer, Sara Funk.

Disclaimer: Before we dive in, we want to remind you that we are not medical experts. While we do our best to share helpful information on health and wellness, we are not a replacement or alternative to your family's health care professionals. This recipe is not meant to offer medical advice or substitute the advice of your trusted family doctor.

Making the switch to goat milk

You know that awkward phase when your baby is done with formula but you still want to supplement with something for extra nutrients sake? I got you. When my twins were done using formula, I still needed to add a little nutrient-dense boost to their food. Enter: goat’s milk. Yes, we moved on to goat’s milk! But before I share how to make the goat milk formula, we must check off some important boxes for choosing a good quality goat milk...

  • Is the goat milk lightly pasteurized?
  • Is it local?
  • How fair is it priced?

I find lightly pasteurized goat milk important because the nutrients aren’t boiled off like they are with ultra pasteurized. With my little ones consuming this, I want to make sure they get as much nutrients as possible. Also, did you know that goat’s milk is the closest digestively to breast milk? This was so reassuring to me because I wanted to make sure we had a smooth transition from breast milk to goat milk based formula to fresh local goat’s milk.

Now, as we all know, supporting and receiving local products is so crucial for society and, well, you! I work with my local Fruitful Yield store to get fresh goat milk for my family that's locally-sourced and from a reliable supplier. And, the price fits our budget beautifully! (Bonus tip: Every now and again, Fruitful Yield offers a coupon to use at checkout. This can include your goat’s milk purchase!)

Adding a nutrient-dense boost

Now that our all of our boxes are checked off, let’s step it up a notch! We know that goat’s milk is easily digestible, but let’s also support our baby’s gut by adding powdered probiotics and overall health with Vitamin D.  I prefer refrigerated probiotics, but if you have to use shelf stable, that’s ok too! These items can easily be found at your local Fruitful Yield store.

Here’s what I do when I prepare my twins’ baby bottles...

Goat Milk Formula Recipe

  1. Pour 4oz slightly warmed Meyenberg Whole Goat Milk (or your preferred goat milk) in a baby safe bottle.
  2. Add in Garden of Life RAW Probiotics Powder for Kids (or your favorite powdered probiotics). Follow directions on the label for appropriate serving size. Gently swirl to incorporate.
  3. Add drop(s) of the appropriate serving of IUs of Vitamin D per your pediatrician’s guide.

Serve to your babes and sit back knowing you did well! Cheers!

Check out Sara's Instagram Reel to see how she makes her goat milk formula bottles: How to Prep Goat Milk Baby Bottles

We hope you found this article helpful! Let us know if you'll be trying this out, or if you are already a fan of the goat milk formula option for your little ones! 


About Sara Funk

Photo of lifestyle influencer Sara Funk, smiling and working on a laptop

Super-mom of five, lifestyle influencer, health enthusiast, & long-time customer of Fruitful Yield, Sara promotes a real, unfiltered life and is a passionate advocate of making better choices for clean food and products. Follow her on Instagram for uplifting and relatable parenting content. 

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Kevra Powell
March 7, 2023
Hi there! My baby is 5 months old. Is it ok to feed him this goats milk recipe?
Adam Richard
March 8, 2023
Hi Kevra! We would only recommend this for babies over 12 months old. For anybody younger, we would advise to ask your doctor or pediatrician.