Grandmom Betty's Buckwheat Pancakes
April 1, 2022 163 view(s)
Grandmom Betty's Buckwheat Pancakes

In this featured post, our founder's wife shows us how to make her famous buckwheat pancakes. Check it out and make sure to visit us in-store for these ingredients!

For those who can't do gluten, check out our gluten-free pancake mixes to join in on the fun.

Before we get to the recipe, we have a quick note from our contributor, Grandmom Betty Richard:

Letter from Betty

Dear Reader,

First of all, I have to tell you how I got my different flours so long ago. When our business was quite small, we would save the very small amount of flour that was in the very large bin that went round and round. (Why? I don't know.) But when the bin was cleared of the flour and taken away to be packaged, there was always a small amount of flour left. [Elwood, my husband] did not want to waste anything, so the small amount was scooped out, put in a small bag, tagged and set on a shelf in a very small storage room, where employees were free to come and help themselves to "freebies" of a wide variety of flours.

I loved this room because that's how I started making my delicious pancakes. I kept my flours in the freezer (necessary or not) and always used a variety of flours for the pancakes.

The best flours (I think) were buckwheat, rice, whole wheat, oat, and white. I chose 4 of these, according to what I had, and always put some white flour in. I put 1/4 cup of each flour in the sifter along with the baking powder and salt into a bowl. Then I mixed the eggs, well beaten, milk and butter, melted, and added it to the flour mixture and blended it all together. Serve hot. I'd guess this would serve 5 people, and you can always wrap and freeze leftovers.

- Grandmom Betty


Recipe for Betty's Buckwheat Pancakes

Cook Time: 25 minutes

Servings: 5


2 cups mixed flour (we like Bob's Red Mill Buckwheat and NOW's Almond Flour with our white flour)

1 tablespoon sugar (optional)

1 tablespoon baking powder

1/2 teaspoon salt

3 eggs, well-beaten

2 cups milk, or your fave milk alternative

1/2 cup melted butter or oil


1. Sift flours, sugar, baking powder and salt in a bowl.

2. Mix with a spoon.

3. In a separate bowl, mix in eggs, milk and melted butter.

4. Add liquid mix to flour mix and beat just 'till blended.

5. Heat your pan and start cookin'. Yum!

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