What Essential Oils are Pet-Friendly?
September 28, 2022
385 view(s)

What Essential Oils are Pet-Friendly?

Essential oils are a versatile product to add a pleasant scent to a room, offer a boost of deodorizing power for your cleaning supplies, or provide extra relaxation in a bath. However, did you know that some essentials oils can be harmful to our pets? Certain essential oils should not be used around cats or dogs, and we will break this down.
Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats
August 24, 2022
154 view(s)

Homemade Peanut Butter Dog Treats

Do you have a favorite four-legged friend? Today, we are sharing our delicious DIY dog treats! This recipe features wholesome ingredients like pumpkin puree for extra fiber. For those looking to enhance this recipe even more, we love adding liver powder for added B vitamins, zinc, and essential fatty acids!