Triple Chocolate Protein Muffins
August 6, 2024
580 view(s)

Triple Chocolate Protein Muffins

Satisfy your cravings with our triple chocolate protein muffins. These moist and decadent treats are perfect for chocolate lovers.
BodyHealth PerfectAminos - What's New at Fruitful Yield
March 14, 2023
256 view(s)

BodyHealth PerfectAminos - What's New at Fruitful Yield

Amino acids are incredibly important to support muscle repair and promote a stronger immune system. As we welcome a new-to-our-stores brand focused on amino acids, we wanted to introduce BodyHealth and what separates their amino acid-based products from other brands.
Plant vs. Animal Protein – What is the Difference?
January 25, 2023
190 view(s)

Plant vs. Animal Protein – What is the Difference?

Did you know that every cell in the human body contains protein? Today on the Fruitful Life, we’re going to break down the importance of protein and the differences between plant and animal protein.
DIY High-Protein Box
January 11, 2022
136 view(s)

DIY High-Protein Box

Starbuck's has the most amazing protein boxes for on-the-go--we thought, "We must try this at home!" This DIY High Protein Snack Box is perfect for days where you need a boost of energy, or for right after a hard work out. This recipe is perfect for meal prep and hails four servings.