
Medinatura BHI Throat, 100 tablets

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Throat is a safe, effective, natural remedy ideal for all ages, including children and seniors. The inclusion of multiple active ingredients represents the modern approach to homeopathic treatment employed worldwide by Heel.
For the temporary relief of minor sore throat, laryngitis, hoarseness and minor throat irritation.
Adults and children above 6 years: 1 tablet sublingually or dissolved completely in mouth 3 times daily or as directed by a physician. Infants and children to 6 years: 1/2 the adult dosage.
Arum triphyllum 4X (voice hoarse from overuse in talking or singing; expectoration of mucus; laryngitis), Paris quadrifolia 5X (periodical painless hoarseness; voice feeble; sore throat), Argentum nitricum 6X (mucus in throat; rawness and soreness in throat; chronic laryngitis), Causticum 6X (mucus collects in throat; inability to speak loudly; scratching in throat), Hyoscyamus niger 6X (constriction of throat; inability to swallow, especially liquids; dry cough at night), Arnica montana, radix 8X (dry cough from tickling in lowest part of trachea), Verbascum thapsus 8X (hoarseness when reading aloud; hollow cough in evening and at night), Carbo vegetabilis 10X (hawking of mucus; rawness and burning in throat; great roughness in larynx), Phosphorus 10X (hoarseness, can only whisper; frequent cough; worse towards evening), Calcarea carbonica 30X (painless hoarseness in morning; pain in throat extending to ears; raw pain in chest when coughing), 30 mg each/300 mg tablet.
Severe or persistent sore throat accompanied by high fever, headache, nausea and vomiting may be serious. Consult physician promptly. Do not use more than 2 days or administer to children under 3 years or age unless directed by physician. If symptoms persist or worsen, a health care professional should be consulted. If pregnant or breastfeeding, consult a health care professional before use. Keep this and all medicines from the reach of children.
Interaction With Other Drugs
None Known