Video Categories


Check out our favorite recipes and healthy snack ideas.



 Fruitful Minutes

We know your time is precious so we designed our Fruitful Minutes series to give you an overview of popular health topics in just a few quick minutes.




Dive into detoxing with our video series exploring the techniques and benefits behind the top detoxs.



Women's Health

Let's talk about women's health. There are a lot of solutions out there but we'll take a look at what works best when it comes comes to supporting women’s health through different life stages.



Heart Health

These videos take a closer look at different approaches to building and maintaining a healthy cardiovascular system.



Mental Health

A healthy mind is an intregal part of a healthy body. These videos look at common mental health issues and different solutions to support overall mental health.




Missed a lecture? No problem! We have all of our in-store lectures available to review.



Product Highlights

A healthy mind is an intregal part of a healthy body. These videos look at common mental health issues and different solutions to support overall mental health.



Gut Health

Did you know that around 70% of the immune system is located in the gut? These videos take a closer look at different approaches to building and maintaining a healthy gut.



Functional Foods

We all love food but let's take a look at some of the top "functional" foods that offer a range of health benefits beyond just their nutritional value.




Mushrooms are known for their wide ranging health benefits and are packed with a ton of essential vitamins and minerals. Let's look at a few of the top mushrooms and explore how they can benefit you.



Nutrient Highlight

Ever wondered how your favorite supplement works? We take a closer look at the powerful nutrients behind some of your favorite formulas.



Brand Spotlight

In this video series we spotlight some of our most popular brands.